COVID-19,Quarantine in India, the total lockdown of the entire country, the unexpected reality. Initial days were spent on fear, confusions, and uncertainty. Later, I started adopting and started bringing in lifestyle changes & positivity to cope up, there comes my soulful friends Books and Music. I started with old classics of the 1970’s. I observed ,as we all know, the transformation of music from that Era till today.There, I can notice the creativity of composing and their signature styles, had we lost it?.

No doubt! We improved much on the technical side- “the quality of sound”.I don’t want to get into debating or judging the scenario, I am just echoing the opinions of the majority.


Let us look at how to do recording, mixing, editing even in this lockdown using IP-over audio recording systems from home,other states’ countries. All we need is IP-over audio interface, quality Mike’s,Professional Digital Audio workstations ,web streaming software like,VST Connect Pro,SOURCE CONNECT NOW, CLEANFEED PRO,IPDTL kind of softwares, we can achieve the needful output. To know more how we are functioning in this new COVID-19 crisis please contact us.


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