Seven heaven is not only a recording studio we provide a fantastic classical and fusion band to compose as well as perform.
Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies. ― Edward Bulwer-Lytton
How to record scratch track ?
The first step is creating some kind of guide for the other instruments to follow along with.
Most people use a simple click/metronome to set a tempo. But since not all musicians can follow clicks, you could also use a pre-recorded drum loop instead.
And since not all songs have steady tempos, a third method is to create a scratch track…
Where an instrument or group of instruments are recorded as the guide, then “over-dubbed” one at a time, until the original can be deleted or “scratched“.
The Benefits of Recording a Scratch Track
A scratch track is a rough play-through of a song, or section of a song, that acts as a guide while recording other instruments. It’s usually just a couple instruments, like a rhythm guitar and vocal playing along to a click track.
Scratch tracks are handy for a lot of different reasons. If you’re being diligent with your scratch tracks, you can treat them like a demo which you can take to the studio with you for reference. Recording a rough version of the song at home, noting the tempo, and leaving the click track in the mix will not only prepare you for the studio, but give you a scratch track to reference while laying down the final takes!